Sunday, December 16, 2007

Boggle Your Eyes With Rat Maze 2

Feeling Skilled? Try Rat Maze 2

I am not even sure why I decided to check out this free flash game Rat Maze 2. I mean, it was not like I had ever been any good at REAL mazes, so who knows what I was thinking when I thought I would have any chance with a virtual version? But still, the graphics looked good (and they really are) and I liked the sounds too. Mind you I am not sure that the rat in Rat Maze 2 looks much like a rat. It looks more like a computerized impression of what a rat might look like to a pixel creator! Still, the different scenes that the rat (you) has to go through are kind of fun. But to anyone looking for an easy to win game, Rat Maze 2 is definitely not the game you want to be playing. I am still not sure (having played this game at least 12 times), how to progress all that far.

Make More Points With Rat Maze 2

The only thing that I have improved on, is picking up extra points. You do that just by mouse control ? (not rat control, hah! Excuse the pun) ? by moving the rat around the board and finding different objects (food I guess) to eat. Each time you do that successfully you get another 100 points. Indeed, the first games I played I only got about 300 points so when I got 1500 points and I was asked to enter my name on to the high score board I thought I had really gotten somewhere. Then I saw that my name would not be seen as the lowest score, at place no. 50 on the board, was 7100!!! So clearly I need a lot more practice at Rat Maze 2 to get anywhere. I suppose it would be nice if I could also find some tips on how to actually make my way out of the maze, given that getting out is what one is supposed to try and ultimately achieve with a maze! But, one step at a time. Right now I am just working on improving my score. Like I said, I have never been one for being good at mazes (or with any real sense of direction) so it is best for me to just focus on the skills I do have.

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